Bunny Album - Bunny Jenga
Let's play bunny jenga
¨ß¼hÅ|(¨ä¹êRosy°O¤£²M·¡³oºØgame¬O§_¤]¥s°µ"¼h¼hÅ|"... :p)
It happened in one of the bonding
session. I just
turned my head away for a few seconds, when I
looked back, Coco was already under Toto, so I
didn't know what happened...
¬Y¦¸bonding, ¥LÌŨ§Ú§OÓÀY¥h±æ¤@±æ¨ä¥LªF¦è, ´N
Toto: Polo, it's your turn.
Toto: Polo, ½ü¨ì§A°Õ
Polo: What???
Polo: úï? ½ü¨ì§Ú°µ«§§r?
Toto: Your turn to stack on the top.
Toto: ½ü¨ì§AÅ|¤W³»§r
Coco: Quick, I can't stand much longer
Coco: §Ö啲³â, À£«Ë¨ß³â