Bunny Album - Coco, the Sweetie

Coco: I like you, mom!
Coco: 我喜歡媽咪

Coco: I want to stay close to mom...
Coco: 我喜歡守在媽咪身旁...

day and night...

Coco: I don't like to be alone
Coco: 我不喜歡一個人(兔)

Coco: I love to be in contact with mom
Coco: 我喜歡黏著媽咪

Coco: Don't wanna be left alone
Coco: 黏著她, 不要掉下我一個

Rosy to the readers: get sick of it (photo of Coco and my feet) yet?

Coco: I also like daddy
Coco: 我也喜歡daddy

Coco stays still in my arms, she's like a pillow in my arm.
Coco不害怕抱抱, 放軟身體像個枕頭般安躺我懷中

Coco: Daddy抱抱更好因為佢多啲肉